Rain Bird – 4inch 5000 Series Part-Circle Pattern Pop-Up Rotor 5004PC



Relax with the knowledge your landscape is being watered by reliable 5000 Series Rotors and industry-leading Rain Curtain Nozzle Technology. Rain Bird 5000 Series Rotors are ideal for medium to large-size turf areas and evenly distribute water from 25 to 50 feet. Outstanding Results 5000 Series Rotors with Rain Curtain Technology are engineered to deliver a uniform spray pattern, giving you superior distribution uniformity and consistently greener turf with less water. Get even greater savings withoptional in-stem pressure regulation (PRS). Superior Close-in Watering Gentle close-in watering eliminates dry spots around the rotor, prevents seed washout and allows the turf to grow healthy with no matting or bending. Comes with a Free SprinklerPartsWholesale Flashlight Keychain with every order.