12x25x1 Pleated MERV 8 AC Furnace Air Filters Qty 12



Each time air passes through the Merv 8 Dust Reduction Pleated Air Conditioner/Furnace Filter, lint, household dust, pollen, dust mites, pet dander, bacteria, mold spores and other contaminants are removed. All Nordic Pure pleated air filters are manufactured using a heavy duty, moisture resistant beverage board frame. There is a metal mesh support grid bonded to the pleats for extra support. The AC filter media prevents the growth of bacteria or mold, resulting in a much healthier living environment. Merv 8 furnace air conditioner filters are comparable to HVAC filters with the rating of MPR 1000 or a rating of FPR 6. Particles in indoor air are measured in microns, which are 1/1000 of a millimeter (a human hair is about 70 microns wide). Each Nordic Pure 1inch Merv 8 furnace air filter captures airborne particles as small as 3.0 to 10.0 microns. The effective life of your AC air filter depends on both the inside and outside conditions in which you live. It is important to regularly change your furnace air conditioner filters especially during any home improvements for fresh, clean air in your home or office. Moisture resistant frame.